("Making people laugh!")
How long did it take you to write your script or produce your project?
60 days What was your development process? Using things I remember as a kid and over life that were funny to me. What is your ultimate ambition as a writer or filmmaker? Just to make people laugh Which film directors or screenwriters inspire you? Why?
Spielberg as director, I copy his style of directing, Jerry Lewis prat falls and goofyness, and The Three Stooges slapstick. And pie’s. What’s your all-time favorite movie or television show? I always go with Mel Brooks’s movies, young Frankenstein and Sci-fi like Star Trek and Lost in space. What advice do you have for others hoping to follow in your footsteps? Never give up on your passion to be something different. Never quit once you get started. Always keep positive and never be in this industry for the money, it comes much later. What else are you working on that the world needs to know about? The new character The Macher we did a 35 minute short on recently. This character on Tiktok went viral. So if you like something obnoxious, funny and crazy, you will like this character. I also am working on Standard Medical Co-Op which is my new healthcare company like no other. Will be seeing it soon. Where can the world find you? (Website, IMDB, etc.) Dean Morgan III IMDB., YouTube, vimeo, and Google me, I’m all over the internet. CLICK HERE TO SEE DEAN'S PROFESSIONAL BIO! Want some LAUGHS? Click HERE to see Dean's feature screenplay treatment for "Sheldon Mashugana Gets Lost in Space" |