Where do you live (City, State, or Country)? 5 minutes away from each other in Half Moon Bay California
Your script or media entry stood out among hundreds of others. What was the inspiration for your project ? [Lindsay] I wanted to write a short that I could direct, and we could both act in as well. I realized how fun it would be to play off the fact that we are identical twins, and came up with a premise where my character takes Ayahuasca (which I have before) and separates from her ‘ego,’ only to find it waiting for her when she gets home. [Lauren] The concept of an ego as an external entity is something we’ve been playing with for awhile, as a visual way to define something esoteric and subjective but also very powerful. It also gave Lindsay and I an opportunity to play two versions of a single character!
How long did it take you to write your script or produce your pitch deck/sizzle reel/trailer...and what was your development process? [Lindsay] It took about three months; we’d pass drafts back and forth to each other, and every now and then work out details in the same room. [Lauren] It started with a scrappy draft 1 we wrote in a day, which we then tweaked for months. We shared drafts with family and writer’s workshops to hone the dialogue.
What is your ultimate ambition as a writer or filmmaker? [Lindsay] After 20 years as a documentary filmmaker, I’m ready to make the jump to scripted writing/directing, ideally with scripts we write as a team. My dream career is getting to direct my own films and shows, and also directing other episodic comedy as well. [Lauren] Ideally I would like to write and shoot movies with my sister! We’ve been making stuff up since childhood, and having spent many years shooting and editing commercial and documentary content together, narrative features seems like the next step. But I like to write horror and dark comedies, whereas she is more inspired by comedy and sci-fi/fantasy. So we’ll have to find some common ground there.
Which film directors or screenwriters inspire you? Why? [Lindsay] Alma Harel for her genre-blending masterpieces, Alfonso Cuaron for inspiring me as a kid with A Little Princess, and then continuing to blow my mind with every endeavor after that. [Lauren] Diablo Cody has a style that is so brilliant and specific, it’s impossible not to love what she makes. And Lawrence Kasdan has a magical touch when it comes to dialogue and situational comedy.
What’s your all-time favorite movie or television show? [Lindsay] The movie that has stayed with me the most is The Road to Morocco, a buddy comedy with Bing Crosby and Bob Hope. Their dynamic is so incredibly hilarious, and the comedy is way ahead of its time. Favorite show is Ted Lasso, for the laughs and the feels! [Lauren] I can still watch Buffy episodes when I want a dose of nostalgia, and I just love those characters. I think they did a fantastic job telling a coming of age story sprinkled with vampires, witches and wolves.
What advice do you have for others hoping to win a contest or place as a finalist as you have? ]Lindsay] This certainly wasn’t the first thing I’ve written and it won’t be the last. My best advice would be to fall in love with the process, because even with the highest accolades, 99% of your time is spent slogging away, ankle deep in the premise or hip deep in the edit. [Lauren] Don’t forget to read! It can be so easy to write in a vacuum, but reading other’s work is essential to understanding the format and what works and why. I like to read a few scripts a week, and lots of novels.
What else are you working on that the world needs to know about? [Lindsay] I just finished my first draft of my first novel (a murder mystery) so that’s felt exciting. I’m also producing a new travel show with Expedia called The Next Turn, and producing/directing a documentary called Sea Change, focused on 6 female environmentalists who are rowing around Great Britain this summer without stopping! [Lauren] I am almost finished with a dark comedy script I’ve been hired to write for an award-winning director, which has been an insanely fun experience!
Where can the world find you? (Website, IMDB, etc.) [Lindsay] LindsayKent.com, Linkedin.com/in/lnkent/ [Lauren]Krenshawfilms.com