"No Justice"
Fall 2023
Where do you live (City, State, or Country)?
Venice, Florida, USA Your script or media entry stood out among hundreds of others. What was the inspiration for your project ? The concept for the TV series and pilot script was inspired by my employment for eighteen years, like the protagonist investigating and prosecuting bad lawyers – that is, lawyers who commit serious ethical and criminal wrongs involving dishonest conduct, theft of client funds, conflicts of interest, fraud, trial misconduct, and even sex with clients, among other things. I always believed that these cases, embellished to some extent, would make great television mining the viewer’s historical interest in the legal profession and especially wayward practitioners. How long did it take you to write your script or produce your pitch deck/sizzle reel/trailer...and what was your development process? After the idea for the series came to mind in the late 1990s, I prepared a TV series treatment and wrote a script. Having found no success pitching it, I decided to use the idea to write a series of novels from 2014 to 2021, employing the same concept. This series of four novels has been published on Amazon as the Lawyers Gone Bad Series. The first season is based on the first book in the series about a district attorney investigated by the TV series’ protagonist and his trusty investigator for committing the ultimate ethical wrong – murder. In 2023, I resurrected the idea of turning the Lawyers Gone Bad into a TV series. I dusted off the old script from the late 1990s and proceeded to revise it to its present form. Since November 2023, I have partnered with TV actor, Tom Paolino (FBI, Law & Order, among other shows) in an attempt to pitch the series concept and pilot script to a network or streaming service. We continue to pursue that possibility.
What is your ultimate ambition as a writer or filmmaker? Like any writer or filmmaker, I’d like to see my vision for Lawyers Gone Bad and other screenplays on the screen! Which film directors or screenwriters inspire you? Why? I love good television and have been inspired by the Soprano’s David Chase, Breaking Bad’s, Vincent Gilligan. among others. Of course, I am also inspired by the greats such as Martin Scorcese, Francis Coppola, Clint Eastwood, etc. What’s your all-time favorite movie or television show? This is difficult because there are so many great movies and TV shows, but if I was forced to choose, for a movie, “The Godfather,” and for a Series, “The Sopranos.” What advice do you have for others hoping to win a contest or place as a finalist as you have? Write, write, write, then revise, revise, revise. What else are you working on that the world needs to know about? A speculative fiction/paranormal TV series called, “The Historinaut.” Logline: Retired Army Major Jack Stafford employs his psychic training in remote viewing mastered while part of a top-secret military project to witness the truth about past events, including the assassination of President Kennedy and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Where can the world find you? (Website, IMDB, etc.) My Amazon Author page is: IMDB: |